Future-proof our forests

’Future-proof our forests’ is a three year project  (2021-23) that aims to develop two pioneering climate future plots for ongoing monitoring to assist climate change adaption.

The plots focus on two species from our local area, Silver Banksia (Banksia marginata) and Sweet Bursaria (Bursaria spinosa). Both are key species for our local woodlands and landscape. Connecting Country have sourced a variety of plant provenances, from local populations as well as some from further away. A total of 500 plants will be established over the duration of the project.

Research started by looking at the Bureau of Meteorology’s climate predictions for our region and selecting seed from areas that are anticipated to match our climate into the future, focusing on areas that are hotter and drier.

cover image: Frances Howe

ZNET: emission avoidance and drawdown

  • Improves capacity for carbon drawdown through practical experimental research that contributes to the health of natural landscapes

ADAPT: people, places and sectors are climate ready

  • Generates place-based knowledge about adapting our local natural landscapes to hotter, dryer conditions

REGENERATIVE CULTURE: embrace caring for Country and Community, working creatively and a just society

  • Demonstrates and encourages a shared sense of responsibility towards caring for the natural environment
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