The Buzz project

In 2023 Connecting Country is celebrating the pollinators of our ecosystems with the Buzz project. The project seeks to encourage us all to learn more about our local pollinator heroes. Globally we have seen a serious decrease in pollinators, which has implications for ecosystems, agriculture and, in turn, the food we eat. There is still much to learn about the pollination services that insects and other pollinators provide for food crops and the natural environment. Meanwhile, we understand that fragmentation of habitat leads to a decline in pollinator activity.

An information session and site tour were held in February 2023 and we will be working with our Landcare partners throughout 2023 to undertake planting activities using key indigenous plant species to support local pollinators.  Get in touch with your local Landcare Group to find out more.

Through this program, Connecting Country has a limited number of copies of the very informative booklet,  ‘Insects of Central Victoria’ available FREE for community members.  This booklet was made possible due to contributions from various local Councils and community groups, including Mount Alexander Shire Council.

More about this project

Promoting native pollinators from property to landscape – 24 February 2023

This is a 3 year project from 2023-2025.

cover image: Frances Howe

ZNET: emission avoidance and drawdown

  • Improves capacity for carbon drawdown through practical experimental research that contributes to the health of natural landscapes

ADAPT: people, places and sectors are climate ready

  • Supports healthy, connected landscapes to slow (and even reverse) biodiversity loss by creating habitat for threatened species

REGENERATIVE CULTURE: embrace caring for Country and Community, working creatively and a just society

  • Demonstrates and encourages a shared sense of responsibility towards caring for the natural environment
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